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How to create silhouette art

Uppdaterat: 5 maj 2020

Hello friends!

Today I am going to talk about silhouette art. I love to do some art but sometimes it is hard for me for my hand because for example I will be tired in my arm. So I like to do digital art and I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I will talk about a few technique and art forms and explain how I did this art. During this introduction I will also explain the programs I used.

Here is the silhouette art step by step:

1. The background I have created in Clip Studio. I got the program with my Wacom pen tablet. It was a Christmas gift from my parents last year. I used the gradient tool to create a dark night with blue sunrise. I created the stars with a pen tool white a white color. I exported the picture to a jpg.

2. I found a picture of a fox on google. I wanted to paint the fox as a silhouette so I imported the picture to Photoshop. First I used the pen tool to draw around the edges of the fox. I then used Paint Bucket tool to fill in the frame.

3. I love snow so I made snow with Brush Tool. I drew many layers of black and white with a transparent brush.

4. I found a picture of a green tree on the internet. I created one silhouette tree, filled it in with black color and duplicated it to different sizes. I painted black in the background to do mountains.

5. Make a circle with Elliptical Marquee Tool, reverse it and fill it with white color.

Hope you have fun creating your own silhouette images!

<3 Alice



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